Code Of The Street Analysis

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Anderson discussed the Code of the Street as it pertains to inter-city morality, assessing that these attitudes either fall in the categories of decent or violent (Duncan, pg. 111). The “Code of the Street” is what Anderson would classify as the violent and is used as the law of the street that governs the community behavior particularly interpersonal violence and aggression. In the areas that fall into the arena of “Street Code” opportunities are limited due to the social isolation and economic oppression of these communities (Duncan, pg. 112). Due to the moral internalization of adult males to provide adequate financial support to their families, when social isolation creates a loss of jobs and opportunity the adult male is unable to adequately provide for his …show more content…

Nowacki, suggest that family attachments and involvement decrease the likelihood to participate in “street code” mentality (pg. 832). The positive family attachments also reduce the likelihood of youth participating in activities due to peer pressure and can be explained by the theory of a “psychological presence” (Nowacki, pg. 841). Social organization and controlled neighborhoods, are also often backed by strong networks (church organizations, police presence, and youth activities) (Dummond, pg. 195). The combination of parental or familial involvement with strong social controls can often stop a neighborhood from being taken over by street code or decrease the negative impact the street code has on their neighborhood. It is a direct correlation with Agnew’s General Strain Theory, thus neighborhoods that experience less strain will fare better. So if the neighboring community experiences less strain, has better community support (police response, community involvement such as churches and youth organizations) are reasons that neighboring communities experience differing impacts of street