Cold War Dbq Essay

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The cold war started in 1947 and ended in 1991. The cold war was a big war between the USSR and the US. The name cold war was founded because there was no direct fighting in this war. Both sides had economic and political differences, when we say this its word for communism. During this war the western countries had expanded their military and the aid finances. After the cold war happen then came the containment act. Containment was when the Soviet Union and soviet communism shouldn’t be allowed to spread. The policy of containment was to expand the soviet policy an then the American policy was to containment. Both armies were coming from opposite sides of Europe at this time. Both Russians and Americans cut Hitler’s Germany into two pieces. It was near the end of World War II and it was time for happiness to begin because the most deadly war to the humans was almost over. …show more content…

One example from the background information was the Truman doctrine. In 1947, the president harry Truman declared the untied states to become what they called free people unlike Greece and turkey who were getting treated wrong because of their community’s. After the Truman doctrine Marshall plans took place and it gave over 12 billion dollars of aid to rebuild democracies for European because France already had it and so did West Germany.
According to document b the Berliners were the strongest examples. The Berliners were the strongest because America decided to help them out by flying in the supplies for over two million people and this lasted for almost a year. Also in document b joseph Stalin decided to blockade anything that flew to West Berliners such as food. By that time berlin was already surrounded by communism and had to just

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