Collaboration: The Role Of Competition In Nonprofit Organizations

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competition is positive; the majority of the organizations mission’s is to meet the needs of the community. Even with the competition among the nonprofit organization, foundations that offer grants like to see collaboration between community nonprofit organizations. Collaboration gives the appearance of increasing the program’s impact on the community. Finding an organization to collaborate with should be done by determining the organization’s mission and needs. Determine which other organizations in the community are like-minded and will work well in order to meet the needs of the community. All organizations involved in the collaboration should clearly state what the expectations are, determine how to handle any future problems and make …show more content…

The competition among nonprofit’s and between nonprofit and private organizations demonstrates how competition can affect any nonprofits ability to achieve their mission. There are numerous steps nonprofit must take to keep operating and to achieve the mission of the organization. Crucial pieces to a nonprofit organization are the funding, the board members, the volunteers, and the community that is being served. Without funding the organization cannot exist, without the board members the organization will not running smoothly, without the volunteers services would not be provided and most importantly without the community needs the services the organization would not be needed. An effective nonprofit organization will use their staff, employees or volunteers, skills and abilities and allow them to contribute to the organization’s success. Everyone shares in the responsibility of achieving the mission of the organization. Creativity and innovation should be welcomed by all members of the organization. To sustain nonprofits, they should pool their resources with other organizations and build relationships that will help achieve a common goal. One example of pooling resources is working with the Juvenile Justice System. Nonprofit organizations play a large role in the community through the Juvenile Justice System. Not only are they helping the community with issues of crimes but they also have the opportunity to influence the youth of the community in positive ways. Through nonprofit organizations, juvenile delinquents can make restitution for their crimes. In order to allow juveniles to make restitution in other ways than with money, which will possibly never be paid, the Juvenile Justice System allows the juveniles to pay the different types of organizations. The different ways are: “about one-third are located within the probation department, about one-fourth