College Admission Essay

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The dream of going to college has been present since I remember. However, I lived in a low income household in Spain, and at that time my family was going through a great depression, lack of financial stability, and my parent’s relationship was not at its best; consequently, the idea of having another expense was not a priority for the family, needless to say that college was not an option. Nevertheless, life has given me the opportunity to review my priorities, make new choices and as a result, I decided to pursue a higher education.
I became a displaced homemaker after my divorce in 2008 in Washington State, when I decided to move away and start a new life in Colorado. We were only us, my daughter and me. There were no family here for us …show more content…

Today, I see how being a displaced homemaker was forcing me to look at life differently. It gave me a new and profound perspective along with fearless determination. It enticed me to review my priorities and make new choices. Fortunately enough, being a displaced homemaker was key for me to dare pursue the dream of a higher education. Education is shaping me in acquiring the tools, the language and, the opportunity to communicate what I am in a more effective way . The support of my school equipped me with the courage to enter in my new venture with confidence. The Community College of Denver (CCD) opened the first door of my enduring dream. School is giving me like minded people, great professors and a culture that thrives in diversity, they are opening my mind and my being to unimaginable possibilities. Nevertheless, I have big dreams, I am aiming to a PhD in Anthropology and Social Change at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). I see myself researching and teaching better and more effective ways to connect. I see that connection first, as a way to include each other when working through tension and conflict, and second, as a powerful tool to transform myself and the ones around