College Admissions Essay: My Role As A Role Model

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If anyone has ever told you life would be easy, you would be ignorant to believe them. The greatest accomplishments mankind has ever achieved did not come with ease, they were born of passion, determination, and hard work. These people turned dreams into reality, made the impossible become possible, and were role models to our world. Each achievement made, brought a tool into our lives to help ease our struggles. In my opinion, purpose is the greatest satisfaction in life. To offer a positive impact to the greater good of mankind is my ultimate goal, but before any goal is achieved, a strong foundation must be in place. Education is my starting point, I will do well in English 1301 and continue to excel in school and earn a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, to build a strong foundation, live a more purposeful life, and become a role model.
A strong foundation is the single most important asset in any aspect of building, it is the starting point. I was told by my father that if I imagined myself as a rocket, with a strong platform and a lot of fuel inside, that I could touch the stars. I chose the military as my platform, and by the tools handed down from them I have begun to build a …show more content…

Looking back at my childhood, the one person I idolized the most was my grandfather, he has been the greatest role model in my life. With a family of eight, minimal education, and a language barrier to overcome, he never failed to provide for his family. At a young age I started working with him doing landscaping, and from that I experienced what hard labor really was. The one thing he repeatedly told me was that education is the key, and if I did not want to be working outside in the hot sun my entire life, I should stay in school. Today my hard work and dedication is a reflection of those moments in my life I spent learning from my grandfather, he is the type of man I strive to