College Admissions Essay: What Makes Me Who I Am

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As the years have gone by I’ve grown immensely as a person. Focusing on yourself and your academics open many doors for a student. There were many obstacles down the road which lead me to become who I am today. I have much to learn and accomplish but patience is key because everything will come at its time. School isn’t the easiest to deal with but you have to know and understand it’s one of the few outlets to a successful future. Trying to always be on top of my subjects was a bit difficult throughout my four years at Godinez. The subjects themselves weren’t difficult, but my outside life was what affected me the most. As the years passed, school just became a routine and it began to feel as if I was forced to do my best even on my worst …show more content…

Classes were always interesting when you had to decide if you were going to take things seriously. The most difficult courses I have taken are math and physics. For some reason I truly believed I was pretty good in math, but as the years went by my skills told me otherwise. I loved Geometry it was so interesting, it was a bit easier to learn about and I truly believe that if it weren't for our teacher, who took the time to explain what she was teaching, I would not have understood the subject. Junior year was when I truly realized that math was not my best subject and it began to show. I was going to tutoring trying to better myself but it was a always a bit hard when I was always missing school. Physics on the other hand was more of an “I had to take charge” subject. I couldn’t always depend on my teacher to go over something that he already taught. The way he managed his class was very different from any other teachers I have ever had. Most of his work was online, which made studying very difficult. Since all his homework was online it ended up affecting me because I’m a hands on learner. Later on in the year he began to give worksheets which helped me so much when it came to studying for finals. I ended up passing the class with a B …show more content…

Every single person lives very differently compared to others, like the saying goes ( No two lives are the same). I would like to say that one of my biggest role models would be my coach. She has taught us to be selfless and to be proud in what we do. I didn’t have many role models to look up to when I was growing up, no one was ever home. My brothers decided not to finish highschool and their significant others weren’t on the right steps. I grew up with a 16 year old sister in law and her newborn. I was able to see how much she struggled trying to finish her education and taking care of my niece. My family was always their to help and up until this day they have found a way to succeed into their future. My mom always told me too take the best trait from someone instead of taking their worst. Not everyone is perfect but you can definently learn from their mistakes and