Summary Of Nursing Theory

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Colley calls out nurses to embed the theories learned into practice that there should be a narrow gap between what we learned from school and what we apply in the actual setting. Theories act as a guide to continuously direct the nursing practice. There has been a lot of intriguing discussion regarding it’s plausibility to the nursing profession however Colley keeps on reiterating that nurses require these theories to realize their function and responsibilities .It also seeks to define and discover the distinctive characteristics that the profession has to contribute to the overall all healthcare service.
She also mentioned that up until the present the nursing profession has not yet able to seclude itself from the precursor health models. …show more content…

It can also be classified according to the generalizability of the principles such as meta theory, grand theory, middle range and Practice theory. The basic Philosophical underpinnings of theories are divided then into Needs such as physical and mental need but it is criticized for depending too much on the medical model of health, secondly, Interactions which refers to relationships of nurses with patients but it does not attend to physical needs, thirdly is result which is a changing force that enables individuals to adapt and cope with illness but it is too abstract and difficult to apply And lastly, …show more content…

The government and health service should persuade the use of unconventional research techniques and promote it not to solely rely on medical models and use research methods based on techniques used by the other discipline. The notion that nursing profession should be an all graduate profession could only amplify the gap on theory and practice because it is more concentrated in academics. Professionalism in nursing can be achieved if all nurses would utilize nursing theories in their practice. Conflict may arise as to theory is irrelevant but it can never be denied that theory and practice are related. There is diversity among humans and therefore a solitary paradigm is difficult to attain and a single theory to define the nursing profession will never be sufficient. Academic pursuit and practical skills should go hand in hand .Nurses that are practicing the profession should not demoralize nurses who are focused on the academe and vice versa. Nurses should be responsible enough to show interest in nursing journals, promote nursing theories through basic knowledge and apply it to practice as well to have a sense of