Color Pattern Variation In The Greater Blue Ring Octopus

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Week01 Thursday 1:30-4:30
Qing Rui Teng
Jalina Bielaska Da Silva

Blue Safety Rings: a study of colour pattern variation in the greater blue ring octopus (Hapalochlaena Lunulata) in Australia.
Sea dwelling organisms are often faced with the danger of predation, thus many marine organisms had developed some forms of self defence or rather forms of protective measurements against predators. The greater blue ring octopus (Hapalochlaena Lanulata) possesses one of the deadliest toxin in the animal kingdom, but their most distinctive feature is their colour pattern, which consists of a series of neon blue rings all over their body’s “coat”. The function of the colouring as well as the patterns is a sign to warn the …show more content…

The null hypothesis is that the Hapalochlaena Lunulata’s survivability is not affected by the ring’s size, amount, nor lightness in colouring. The rings themselves are already a warning sign to the predator, thus their differences may not affect a predator’s wish to feed upon the octopus, since they will take precaution as long as the rings exist, and the case that a difference will be made in term of survivability is when the rings are non-existent at all, as only then will a predator not detect a sense of danger, thus will prey upon the Hapalochlaena Lunulata without taking …show more content…

The organisms that are tested on in this experiment are also relatively delicate, there for special care will be required to maintain them in perfect health. It would also be helpful if at least one personnel is a local, thus is able to tell geographically where the Hapalochlaena Lunulata are often found in a given area, thus allowing researchers to capture samples much easier. Lastly, all personnel will be given a certain sum of money after the experiment’s completion as there are no antitoxin to the Hapalochlaena Lunulata’s toxin, thus the risk of death is unavoidable, as Hapalochlaena Lunulata’s toxin lethal, and one of the deadliest toxin known to mankind. The experiment will also include water tanks for the animals and food for both the Hapalochlaena Lunulata as well as the Gymnothorax funebris to make sure they are in ideal condition. The cost must also make sure to include travel fees to Australia, facility rental, capturing cost of the organisms, as well as protection material towards said