Columbine High School Shooting Research Paper

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When people hear the word Columbine, they think the massive school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999. Columbine High School was a very large school. It compares to the size of some community colleges we have today. On that fateful day on April 20, 1999, two senior boys, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, went on a rampage to kill. They murdered 13 people, 12 students and one teacher, before turning their guns to their own self totaling the kill count at 15. I will be discussing why the two boys felt that they needed to do this awful act. Dylan Klebold was one of the boys that attacked the school. Most will call him the depressed soul. In the journal he wrote, he always talked of suicide and how he doesn’t feel that he was meant for this world. The book Columbine has many entries of the journals. One entry states, “Thinking of suicide me hope that i’ll be in my place wherever i go after this life-that ill finally not be at war w. Myself, the …show more content…

They must have had something click inside of them that made them want to kill everyone else. Dylan always mentioned in his journals of a girl that he loved. He never spoke to her but stated that he had lost her. He hated her for it and he lost the will to live. That could be one reason Dylan was willing to shoot up the school. He was furious of the girls and the boys that stole them from him. Eric on the other hand had issues with his father. He also was the one that seemed fine to hang around with. Outside he was a normal person, but inside he was screaming and wishing to kill everyone. He had always thought that. He eventually just said, “Screw it, let’s see how many people we can kill in one setting. Let’s kill as many as we can and set a new record.” Dylan agreed and it resulted in them planning out the shooting. Dylan was always depressed and felt he had no purpose. Eric just hated everything and wanted to kill everyone. The was the reasoning behind the