Common Abuse Of Life Essay

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The Common Abuse of Life

Some people are as happy as a button, they could seem as happy as anyone else you’ve ever known. Although people who are abused tend to act like this and play it off like everything is just fine. They truthfully dread going home to their abuser because there is no one else there to make them feel safe but are left in the presence of their abuser. Although it’s very common that abuse happens, a large quantity of abuse goes unreported because the abused person is scared. So the fact is your best friend, parents, or coworkers could be a victim of abuse. Women are typically the victim of abuse as 85% of victims of domestic abuse are women and 15% are men. Which is a big gap between the two genders and is very unbalanced. …show more content…

This starts to add up as the amount of women who have experienced abuse sometime in their life is 30,028,000. Not only are women in risk of being abused but they can also be killed by their abuser. The number of troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001-2012 is 6,488. The amount of women murdered by ex male partners during the same period was 11,766 nearly double the casualties in the war. The amount of women murdered every day by an ex abusive partner was 3, which amounts to 1,095 victims a year. About 19% of domestic abuse cases end up involving a weapon. Nearly half of the men that abuse their partner also will abuse their children. Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually. Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protective agencies involving more than 6.6 million children. More than 70% of children that die from child abuse or neglect were 2 years old or younger, 80% weren’t old enough to start kindergarten. In 2014 state agencies estimated 1,580 children who died as a result of child abuse and neglect, which is about 4 and 5 kids a day. The saddest part is 4 out of 5 kids who are abused are abused by their parents. Which can prove even the