Common Core State Standards: A Case Study

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In February of 2015, the state of Georgia revised the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and renamed them the Georgia Standards of Excellence ("Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE)," 2015). Georgia’s transition from Common Core to GSE created instructional shifts. One of the areas affected by the shift is in the area of English Language Arts. More specifically, the role of the principal has shifted from an overall manager to that of instructional leader. In addition, principals now more than ever are being held accountable for student learning.
Research has revealed the need for principals to be instructional leaders and have more than a general command of literacy knowledge. With the increased accountability for school principals, the emphasis on maintaining high student achievement for all learners and the decline of reading scores in Georgia, (“,” 2015) an even sharper focus is placed on teaching and learning. Although the teacher is responsible for delivery of instruction, the principal’s role is to lead that instruction and ensure that a high quality curriculum is delivered to all students. In order for instructional leadership to be most effective, teachers and principals must work together. According to Marzano, Walters & …show more content…

The most recent, and possibly most debated, is the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS). According to Ainsworth, Ortleib, Cheek, Pate and Fetters (2012), by August of 2011, 44 states had adopted CCSS which are frameworks of consistent standards and expectations for student success. Georgia educators adopted the Common Core Standards, renaming them the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). Although the Georgia Standards for Excellence (GSE) establish ends or goals for students, schools and teachers maintain control of the means by which standards are