Communication In Canada Essay

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In 1936, the very first computer was commercialized, later on, in the year of 1969, an operating system called Arpanet was established, which is now globaly known as the internet. These two revolutionary inventions together has impacted our society in regards to research and information as well as our entertainment and forms of communication. Over time, websites have been created for social purposes such as Facebook, MSN, and Hotmail. Fast forward to 1973, the hand-held cell phone was created, allowing texts and calls to be made from around the world. These electronics were made with good intentions to further the intellect of the human race. From the internet and cell phones, comes various options of ways for communication to be made almost anywhere, made solely for easing how we can socially interact everyday. In most cases, however, technology does not build on our social connections, but rather leads to self isolation, social anxiety, and an absence of face-to-face interactions. Looking around in school classrooms, malls, and other social …show more content…

12% of Canadians suffer from, or have recently developed, an anxiety disorder in the past year. That's around 42.19 million Canadians! 9.5% of the 12% were caused by social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Social anxiety is not the only outcome but depression, ADHD, OCD, and other similar mental illnesses were said to also be a cause from most online social networking. Mental health Dr. Maldonado, stated that “Facebook increases people’s anxiety levels by making them feel inadequate and generating excess worry, and stress.” Social anxiety ties directly into self isolation due to fear of interactions with others; avoiding people at all costs depending on the severity of the