Communication Self Assessment Paper

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Leaders' main role is to motivate their followers and let them excel in their respective areas by creating a sense of ownership and a sphere of encouragement. This is not possible without having excellent communication skills. While very few leaders are born with such skills, others need to develop that in due course of time in their career. A communication development plan provides them a clear path of progress where they are able to identify different areas where the gaps exist, develop a clear roadmap to improve in all those areas and finally achieve the objective of filling those gaps. As a process, the leaders develop their communication skills in oral, written, and interpersonal skills by following a systematic approach. In addition to building up trust, a good organizational climate and a healthy workplace require effective communication processes (Bergman, Dellve, & Skagert, 2016). This paper outlines my strengths and weaknesses that were identified through the self-assessment as well as my development plan, which will aid in my overall growth within all aspects of my communication.

Communication Strengths …show more content…

Communications represents leaders’ thoughts, ideas, motives and their vision. From the self-assessment I had four core areas with a scoring of five. Those areas consisted of dealing with others, dealing with my own feelings, social media and other written communications, and visual communications. All four sections allow me to connect to not only my own feeling but to others. It did not surprise me to see these as my strengths. I have been in leadership for 21 years, my experiences over these years have provided me the opportunity to continue to fine tune my