Communication Improvement Plans: Goal Setting Paper: CIP 1
Skill: Nonverbal Communication
State the Problem: I have a hard time trying to use nonverbal in a positive way with my friends and family members. My mom says that I have a hard time trying to show how I’m feeling without words (nonverbal) and she can never tell way I need from her emotionally. This is a problem because if I can’t show her what I need then I will get nothing.
State the Goal: My goal is to be able to use nonverbal in such a positive way that my mom and other people that I’m close with can look at me and see how I’m feeling and be able to help me if needed.
Procedure/Plan for Reaching the Goal:
1. I will get in touch with my true feelings.
2. I will figure out
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Your CIP Consultant/Coach: Sabrina Stangl AKA cousin/roommate.
Communication Improvement Plans: Goal Setting Paper: CIP 2
Skill: Relationships
State the Problem: The problem that I am looking to correct is my trouble being able to use self- disclosure. I have a hard time with disclosing personal information in most if not almost all of my relationships.
State the Goal: My goal is to be able to reveal information about myself to the people I have close relationships with. The information I’m hoping to be able to disclose is my thoughts, feelings, goals, and failures in life.
Procedure/Plan for Reaching the Goal:
1. Take a look at my current relationships and figure which people I can open up to.
2. Figure out what how I’m feeling.
3. Figure out what thoughts and feelings I should share and with whom.
4. Figure out what goals and failures I feel I should share and in what relationships.
Goal Assessment Method: I will know I have achieved my goal when I feel and other people I have relationships feel that I have opened up to them and that I have developed closer