
Communism In North Korea Essay

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Communism may just be a form of government, but when in the hands of the wrong people, it can make a whole country and others suffer. Every day countless people die from starvation or pure malicious intent in the country of North Korea. In a short span of time, “North Korea’s population of some twenty-two million declined, with more than two million starving to death.” (Deming, para 8). Taken to extremes, Communism in North Korea has led to many unjust situations not only in that country, but worldwide.

Though Communism as a form of government has not caused any of these cruelties, the way past leaders, Kim-Il Sung and Kim-Jong Il, and now Kim-Jong Un wield the power that derives from this governmental system provides a social injustice in …show more content…

These tensions are giving North Korea better cause to close their borders and keep their people oppressed. United States (U.S.) government officials and reporters have tried, as much as possible, to raise awareness of the plight of the people in North Korea. We have sent as many journalists and reporters as was allowed to North Korea and have had many others interview North Korean defectors (people who decided to try to escape and made it) to provide insight regarding the poverty and death in that country. One of the people who interviewed a defector is Jay Nordlinger. She interviewed Yeonmi Park and gained much knowledge on Park’s time in North Korea. “Death was a constant in Yeonmi’s life, as in the lives of North Koreans in general,” Jay wrote. “Kids died on the street all the time, of hunger.” (Nordlinger 2). The U.S. has also tried to negotiate meetings between families who were separated so long ago. Sadly, North Korea decided against these reunions at the last minute, thus the U.S. turned out to be angry at North Korea for backing out so close to the reunion, and South Korea was mad because of the pain this was causing for its

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