Comparative Justice System In Society

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Bureaucratic, urban- commercial, urban- industrial, and folk- communal are the four societies that are studied when researching comparative justice systems (O’Connor, 2010). Depending on which society is accolated with each country the influence of the justice system will be considerably different from one another. For example, the bureaucratic society is used in modern societies such as Canada and the United States. This type of society has developed laws and maintains order through democracy. India is an urban- commercial society’s which is a society that has few laws and has special law enforcement officials that specifically enforce religious regulations.
Types of justice systems
When studying comparative justice systems in any country the structure of the justice system itself plays an important role. First world countries such as the United States of America and Canada have a very structured justice system that follows the justice model. The justice model believes that the punishment should fit the crime and “ emphasizes legal rights, justice, and fairness (Goff, p.430, 2013)”. Country’s that have high religious beliefs such as India centre their justice systems according to there beliefs. Third world countries such as El Salvador have a structured justice system, but it is full of corruption and thus ineffective.
The Canadian justice system has three major categories that make the system function policing, courts and corrections.