Craig Markham Analysis

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1. Craig Markham Explains the Canadian Law Enforcement System
As a fifteen year veteran Law Enforcement Officer, Craig Markham has become somewhat of an expert in the field. Working with different forms of Law Enforcement, Constable Offices, and Corrections has exposed him to the many intricacies of the Canadian judicial system.
Public sector police forces in Canada are associated with the three different levels of government, the federal, provincial, and the municipal. Many of the urban areas of Canada have autonomy over their own police forces. As Canada is divided into Provinces, each region decides what to do with their law enforcement. When local police authorities are not counted as the responsible party, the task falls to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, otherwise known as Mounties. Every member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is overseen by the Federal Government of Canada.
There are over seventy thousand sworn police officers throughout Canada, and the numbers are steadily growing. The Province of Saskatchewan has the most police officers per capita, with over 200 officers on duty for every one hundred thousand residents. This is equitable, however, as Saskatchewan has the highest crime rates in all of …show more content…

This method of legal governance was created based upon the common law system that is used in England and in some areas of Scotland. This organizational hierarchy is considered bi-jurisdictional, which is a result of the public and private laws being separated into the jurisdictions of the Parliament and the individual Provinces. Regardless of which unit is governing, each legal system is responsible for upholding the laws written in the Canadian Constitution. The Canadian Parliament has sole control over the transportation and energy infrastructures of the country, no matter which Province they reside