Compare And Contrast Baseball And Softball

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Softball and Baseball
Major League Baseball, a so called professional organization, is one of the oldest from four major sports leagues in the United States and Canada. Although, Softball may not have a major league like Baseball it does in fact have a National Pro Fastpitch League. Baseball and softball may have a lot of similarities but they have just the same amount of differences. While baseball is played by males, softball is played by females and there are many more differences including the techniques used by the pitcher, the equipment used (balls and bats), and the size of the fields.
If anyone were to watch a baseball and softball game, one of the differences that would stand out to the person watching the game would be the pitching …show more content…

People will notice the differences in the size and color of balls and the differences they have in bats. Baseballs, for example, are a bit smaller and heavier and are white in color. They are nine inches in circumference and weigh five ounces. Whereas softballs are a lot bigger and lighter and are the color yellow. In size they are two different balls a smaller ball that is eleven inches in circumference and weighs about six ounces usually used in youth softball and the bigger ball with the circumference of twelve inches and weighs seven ounces. Now the differences in bats vary, youth players for both sports are the same the differences come when there are older players. Baseball bats are usually wooden when it comes to major leagues. The popular wood used now a days are the maple and white ash. As in softball the bats are made of metals or referred to as composite materials. Some of the metals include made of are aluminum or composite which may contain mixtures of carbon fiber, graphite, and fiberglass. One thing is that they all have their way of performing when in contact with the ball. The size difference is that baseball bats have a smaller barrel length and the total length is forty-two inches while in softball the barrel is a lot bigger in length and range from thirty to thirty-four inches long. Although, the length of the baseball bat seems bigger the softball barrel is bigger because it takes up maybe more than half of the bats length and with baseball bats the barrel is smaller because it is less than half of the