
Compare And Contrast Beowulf Book And Movie

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Beowulf the movie and the book had a lot of differences. Like Grendel had a spell on his body for weapons. He also killed the danes while they were asleep, but, that’s not what happen in the movie. In the movie he killed them while they were having a party. Then Hrothgar lived throughout the book, however, he killed himself in the middle of the movie. The book gave more information with more important facts. The movie had a little, but , not as much the book did.
Grendel had a spell on his body so that who ever tried to fight him with weapons they would win. That’s why Beowulf said he wasn’t gone use any weapons to fight Grendel. He made a good choice because he had a better chance of winning with his hands instead of a weapon. But in the movie he didn’t have an spell on his body. He got hit by an axe in the movie and he felt it. When he got hit by it he yelled a little. Although he got his arm cut off by Beowulf when he slammed the door on it. That still wasn’t enough for him so he came back for more than Beowulf finished him off. …show more content…

But, in the movies he killed them while they were having a party. He don’t like when people are having fun or singing. He’s like the devil always want to kill someone joy. Just because he isn’t happy with himself. They started making songs about him that’s how Beowulf found out about him. People also started calling him the son of cain. He had the soul of the demon. Grendel was a coward he did things to people while they were asleep people was sacred. Because he was this big monster who would do anything to see people happiness go away. He killed people for his own

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