Compare And Contrast Brazil Legal System

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Sometimes one may wonder how much a first world country like the United States and Brazil have in common when it comes to the law system. With the United States being much more of a poorer country and less advanced than the United States, it helps brings a lot of change to how they go about laws. In today’s society different countries have different laws because each country is led by a different leader which each leader has a different opinion on things. Each country today also uses a different type of government which helps them decide how they go about the court system today. United States and Brazil show much difference in their legal system and that will all be showed and discussed in this paper while showing what each one is.
While comparing Brazil to the United States in terms in the law system, each state uses a different law system. By each state using a different law system leads to much more. “The criminal justice system is comprised of three major institutions which process a case from inception, through trial, to punishment. A case begins with law enforcement officials, who investigate a crime and gather evidence to identify and use against the presumed perpetrator” (FindLaw, 2016). In Brazil they use a legal system called civil law, while the United States uses a legal system known as …show more content…

Although common-law systems make extensive use of statutes, judicial cases are regarded as the most important source of law, which gives judges an active role in developing rules. In civil-law systems, codes and statutes are designed to cover all eventualities and judges have a more limited role of applying the law to the case in hand. Past judgments are no more than loose guides. When it comes to court cases, judges in civil-law systems tend towards being investigators, while their peers in common-law systems act as arbiters between parties that present their