Compare And Contrast Cruz And Rubio

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Every four years Americans cast their votes in order to determine the President of our country for the next four years. Around this time, potential candidates step forth and tell America they are throwing their hats into the ring in hopes of leading America for the next four years. This year, 2016, is the time for all these potential presidents to discuss issues and gain potential voters across the country in order to win the primaries and the presidential election. This report will discuss two of them; Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio along with their views education, the environment, and health care. This section will discuss the views Cruz and Rubio have toward the issue of education. On the topic of Common Core, Ted cruz says on his website …show more content…

Cruz denies that global warming exists and says “The scientific evidence doesn't support global warming”( He goes on to state that “Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory for a big government politician who wants more power. Why? Because it is a theory that can never be disproven”( According to what Cruz is saying, global warming is a fictional thing that the higher up government is using to gain power because we will never be able to fully prove that global warming is or is not …show more content…

And a more specific topic being discussed is the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Cruz had this to say about Obamacare according to “Obamacare has been a manifest disaster. The state of New Hampshire insurance companies have put in this year for premium increases of 51 percent, in Iowa 30 percent, in South Carolina 33 percent. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs” According to what Cruz says, he is conveying in his words that the Affordable Care Act is hurting our insurance, our jobs, and essentially the average working man. Cruz goes on to report what he plans to do about Obamacare by stating that “I tell ya I’ve been proud to lead the fight to stop Obamacare in the United States senate against the Washington cartel…. I intend to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and if I’m elected President we will repeal every word of Obamacare and we’ll pass common sense health insurance reform to make health insurance personal and portable and affordable.”( Cruz tells us in this quote that he plans to get rid of Obamacare in order to replace it with something he feels will improve health care in