Compare And Contrast Essay On Saving Private Ryan

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The Little Big Things
Listening to the birds calmly chirping through the morning sunlight and being able to wake up another morning in the security of our homes are some of the little big things we take for granted every day. The movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and the book Johnny Got His Gun really helped me appreciate every time that I am able to wake up and live through another day. Both the movie and the book accurately showed the struggles that individuals who are fighting wars and veterans go through. Sometimes just because our day has been bad, we fail to realize that we are living a better life than the soldier who hasn’t slept, eaten, or even had something as simple as a bath in days. Due to the privileged conditions that we live in, …show more content…

In the movie Saving Private Ryan, one of the soldiers recalls a big memory of his that was his mom waiting every night to talk to him after a long day of work. He recalls this memory because to him it was one of the most painful ones. As he said when telling the story to his friends with tears in his eyes ‘’ I don’t know why I did that’’. This must be a painful memory to him because now that something as simple as talking to his mother isn’t reachable, he had truly learned how valuable those conversations were and how much he underappreciated them. Even now, most soldiers who are deployed can’t really be with their families and struggle through the big burden of realizing times that they could have talked to their loved ones but chose not to. This is one of the reasons why people who prefer to spend thanksgiving night outside a store instead of with their families really angers a lot of people. Soldiers who don’t have the privilege would give a lot to be with their families that night, however, many individuals don’t appreciate how valuable something as little as a dinner could be. The soldiers from ‘Saving Private Ryan’ can really teach us the value of time with our families by showing how until their last breath, family was one of the main things they thought of as shown by one of the scenes in D-day where a lot of wounded soldiers laid there taking out the letters they wrote to their families and called out their