Compare And Contrast Garvey Vs Dubois

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Many African American abolitionists have been thought of as revolutionary, but some ideas were better than others. Booker T, Du Bois, Garvey, and Wells are all thought of as equally great thinkers, but in my opinion-some were more significant than others. Garvey and Wells were great thinkers however Du Bois is not on the same par. In my opinion, Garvey and Wells had better ideas than Du Bois.

First of all, Booker T had very good ideas that would advance the African American community for years to come. Booker T had a unique step-by-step view of how to solve racial injustice, and it was very smart. Instead of pushing for everything at once, he put education first. Education was so important to him, his idea of education would often show incredible …show more content…

She started her career by investigating anti-Black crime. If education is a number 1 priority in your eyes, then life itself should be a very close second. By analyzing anti-Black violence Ida was fighting for African American life. African Americans being falsely accused and lynched didn't just hurt the victim, it also hurt impressionable minds. According to Ida B. Wells, “Somebody must show that the Afro-American race is more sinned against than sinning”.(Wells). This quote shows that her investigation wasn't just helping victims, it was helping people that see African Americans as criminals- including other African Americans! At this time African Americans were thought of as subhuman. When you only see those people committing crimes, you perceive them differently. Wells’s mission was to change that. According to Ida B. Wells, “The Afro-American is not a bestial race. If this work can contribute in any way toward proving this, and at the same time arouse the conscience of the American people to a demand for justice to every citizen”. Both of these quotes acknowledge how black people were perceived, showing how much Ida wants to change it. Ida's documents are prime examples of how you can change someone's perspective. She flipped her race's false narrative and showed the world a positive black role model for generations to