
Compare And Contrast Guns Gore And Cannoli

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It is rare to come across a title that describes its contents and conveys its theme as accurately as Crazy Monkey Studios' Guns, Gore and Cannoli. Does this 2D run 'n gun action game featuring a beautiful hand-drawn art style give you an offer you can't refuse? Simple But Effective Set Up Guns, Gore and Cannoli star Vinnie Cannoli, an enforcer for the Belluccio family. Crazy Monkey Studios lets the player choose from a generous offering of skins for its protagonist, with thirteen new ones available in the Xbox One version. In the case of the default skin, the developers have done an admirable job in capturing the visuals of a 20s gangster as interpreted by 90s Hollywood. In the opening cutscene, Vinnie narrates that Don Belluccio (who is …show more content…

When you appreciate it for what it is, Crazy Monkey Studios has penned a charming homage to the gangster movies of the 80s and 90s, complete with the cliches we've come to love from the genre--and added the apparently compulsory zombies. It is abundantly clear that Guns, Gore and Cannoli's story rides in the backseat, instead letting its stellar visual design and enjoyable run 'n gun action drive the …show more content…

Even though levels play similar, they each have a distinct look and feel that sets them apart from one another. In particular, the extra mile Crazy Monkey Studios went by giving each enemy type different skins is something I don't believe I've seen in an indie game before. Considering you will encounter each enemy several times due to the game's nature, it's a highly appreciated effort. In addition, the enemy design excels at telegraphing what type of enemy it is, as each beautifully drawn enemy has a distinct

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