
Compare And Contrast Ingress Vs. Pokemon Go

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Have you ever come across a complete comparison of Ingress vs. Pokemon GO? If not, then you have landed at the right place. This complete guide compares these two worldwide games and gives useful information of what to expect when playing them. Niantic, the developer behind these two games, was little-known until four years ago when they created Ingress. The two games are extremely fun and are designed to get you out of your room to enjoy different flavors.

Game Popularity
Although Ingress is the backbone of Pokemon GO, it didn’t enjoy an immediate worldwide success, which Pokemon GO has really enjoyed. Most of the data featured in Pokemon GO, such as gyms, Pokestops and portal locations, has been pulled from Ingress. Some players argue that Ingress is better than …show more content…

• A more severe Level cap problem. Low level players who don’t have high level friends may take long to level up because the game Portals are guided by resonators. Players need to link portals together and destroy enemies’ portals to level up. It will be hard for you to level up if you have a weak team.

Pokemon Go may be regarded to be still in its embryotic or chaotic stage. Its community it bigger, but less organized than that of Ingress. You may find multiple inclusive groups in your city as well as splintered groups for every Pokemon GO’s faction. The communities are expected to settle with time, but for now you may have a hard time trying to coordinate with other players. The best thing about this game is the fact that it is riding a great wave of popularity, social media chatter and news coverage that is making it easier to find real people playing the game. Subsequently, you won’t lack people to play with even though the community is quite

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