Compare And Contrast Intelligent Design Vs Macroevolution Theory

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Intelligent design and Macroevolution are two different theories that explain how life came to be. Lots of people have different beliefs whether it is a supernatural beginning or even just evolution. With science, its main job is to prove or give insight about the beginning of life creation. Even in today's time people are still trying to find evidence to support those claims. To discuss those claims I will be using two methods, Intelligent design and macroevolution theory. I will show the similarities and differences in their studies. I will also discuss which realm of science these two theories might fall under. Lastly, I will show the side on how this was proven . According to the dictionary Intelligent Design it is a theory that life or the universe cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some intelligent entity. According to the bible Genesis 1 it stated that God created man in his images and then he blessed them. An example is about God in the bible how it stated that he has created everything and it all starts from here. With this approach it tells you the beginning of all creatures vs the macroevolution …show more content…

It is the same as historical science. It tells the origin of mammals, flowers etc human life forces. It goes over past events like dinosaurs , humans and other mammals and how they have changed over time and created new species. They believe everything has come from an origin, for example the human and apes theory. They study fossil records to have an education guest on the types of species. It talks about how a species shares a common trait. Macroevolution will study at the taxonomic group level instided of each individual species level. By studying fossils they can see how they are linked from the past to today. Another example is living organisms. They study the anatomy to see if it has a common ancestor like the aps and human