Sahvanna Godoy Period.5 English-3 Jamestown (Smith) vs. Plymouth (Bradford) in the new world d We all heard the story of Pocahontas and captain John Smith. Everyone gets the gist of the Disney princess and one of the first settlers as a hopeless romantic tragic love story. John Smith falls in love with a 12 year old Indian girl where they have secret relations behind the settlers and the other Indians back. Eventually they all find out they want to kill Smith but spare his life when they see how much Pocahontas loved him. Although pretty much a lot of the things in the story were fiction because it was indeed a rated G Disney movie. John Smith, Jamestown, the Indians and the new world were very real. When we hear the name John Smith , William Bradford does not come to our head right away. Although they are different people they pretty much did the same thing when it comes to talking about the new world.Both were settlers who did great things for the new land. Back when people first discovered the new world 104 men went to Virginia in 1606 and landed in April 1607 at a …show more content…
He signed the Mayflower Compact upon arriving in Massachusetts in 1620.Bradford landed in Plymouth to get away from the queen and have freedom.As for Bradford in Plymouth he taught the way of Christianity to the Indians and the settlers. Harsh winter, lack of fresh water and the spread of diseases made life difficult. As for Bradford who wrote nothing but the truth about it like the dangers and all the struggles and sacrifices the new world had. The truth about the new the world was very difficult and much more complex then Smith made it sound to be . They were in a new place where they knew nothing about. Some were worried, some were scared about the constant attacks by the Algonquin Indians made survival nearly