Compare And Contrast Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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Malcolm X was a human rights activist mainly known for his advocacy for violence to inspire change in the black community. Although X is considered one of the most influential African American in history I do not agree with his beliefs that included violence instead of peace, making all white men the enemy , and pro segregation views.
X believed that violence was the only way for African Americans to stop the injustice they had gone through for hundreds of years. Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X were similar in that they both wanted to stop the wrongdoings against African Americans but they both also had completely opposite ways of doing it. King in “Martin Luther King on Malcolm X” writes about how he first met X and what he truly thinks about his ways of receiving justice for African Americans. King says “Malcolm has done himself …show more content…

X believed that the white man was to blame for all the evil in the world and he was willing to start a revolution to end it. X and his violent revolution would have been run by pure hatred and we can see throughout history that revolutions that run on pure hatred can have catastrophic effects to innocent people, hatred was the revolutions fuel but it would also cause innocents to be hurt. Hatred causes people to become blind. Marian Novak in a newspaper article titled “Meeting Mr. X” writes about her first time meeting X and how his hatred for whites caused him to fail to realize that everyone is different and that just because they are white it doesn't mean that they have the devil in them. Novak has her own hardships and so did her ancestors like for example her grandparents were apart of the many Native Americans to walk the trail of tears. She continued to say "I didn't choose this skin, but it's the only one I have and I'm afraid we'll both have to make do with it." which was a huge disadvantage to X and his assumption that whites have the devil in