Compare And Contrast Marx And Engels And Animal Farm

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Though Marx and Engels had similar idealistic views of revolution as Old Major did in Animal Farm, Orwell’s cynical interpretation of the power hungry pigs was a far more accurate image of a revolution than that painted by Marx and Engels. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels present an ideal situation where after leading a revolution, the revolutionary leaders step down from their positions of power. In contrast, Orwell uses the pigs in Animal Farm to show the selfishness of human nature as he expected the leaders to maintain and grow their power to dominate society. However, Marx and Engels were similar to Orwell in their views of achieving revolution and the ideals of communism or animalism. Although Marx and Engels had an idealistic hope for the proletariat revolution, Orwell’s interpretation of human nature provides a more accurate portrayal of revolution and its’ results. …show more content…

Marx and Engels hypothesized that although all people are equal in communism, initial leaders would be needed in order to organize a revolution. Though these revolutionary leaders would be superior intellectually and more likely than not greater contributors in a communist society, Marx and Engels expected that they would step down from their positions of power after successfully revolutionizing. By giving up their power, the initial leaders would be sacrificing themselves for the greater good of the nation, one of the ideals of communism. They said, “In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” (TCM, 36). United by their oppression, the bourgeoisie would fight back against the proletariat, and their revolutionary leaders step