
Compare And Contrast Mesopotamia And Ancient China

416 Words2 Pages

Mesopotamia and ancient China are similar in many ways, but they are alos very different. Some differences in the two ancient cities include their language, their government, and their advanced technology. The cities are very unique in their own ways.
Both ancient cities created new things in order to help civilization. Mesopotamians not only discovered how to make bronze, but they also created the wheel, the sail, and the plow. Ancient China created gunpowder, paper, and the compass. Ancient China also created the Great Wall to prevent enemy attacks. Mesopotamia also had walls, but not as large as the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall is one of China’s greatest accomplishments and inventions. Mesopotamia created brass tools, but China refined bronze casting technology as well as valuable silk cloth production.
While language was just symbols back then, the dominant people of Mesopotamia, Sumerians, created the world’s first system of writing, which soon turned into modern day English. Back then, English writing was known as Phonetic writing. Ancient Chinese writing consisted of one radical symbol and one …show more content…

While Ancient China was ruled by families called Dynasties, Mesopotamia was often ruled by priests and kings. The first written rules of Mesopotamia were written by King Hammurabi. One of the rules of “Hammurabi’s Code” was “the strong might not injure the weak,” which has a similarity one of China’s rules to respect all elders because they both have something to respect. While similar, they are different because “Hammurabi’s Code” ensures that everyone should be equal, whereas China’s rule put elders above all. Rulers had a big part of the government on both ancient cities. In Ancient China, rulers did things such as arrange people to build canals and city walls where in Mesopotamia, rulers did things such as create laws of the

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