Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet

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Love and hate can make people go to extreme lengths for their own reasons. Even though hate sounds strong, it’s actually fragile compared to love. It can make people more creative than a normal person can. People can make extreme and unique plans just to see each other. Like in the story “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare. Also can make them do questionable things that don’t seem normal. Love is stronger than hate because it can make people go to extreme lengths and have more creativity.

To start, love can make people go to extreme lengths to stay with the one they love most. Juliet states,” I’ll send a messenger… when we’ll be married”(Shakespeare, 89). People are willing to talk to each other in many different ways. They will send letters, messages, and even more just to talk to each other. Romeo and Juliet are at risk of talking to each other if they were caught. They would have been punished greatly by their separate families. Friar Lawrence says,” When you’re in bed… take this vial”(Shakespeare, 215). Some people are willing to trick and manipulate others just to see the one that they love most. They will also emotionally manipulate others to give themselves an opportunity to leave the grasp of close ones. Love can make people more creative for their lover. …show more content…

The story states,” What fight happened here… This fight has a lot to do with hatred”(Shakespeare, 21). When fighting with different people, hate is built over a short period of time. People can be fighting over something that can’t be stopped, and over time it becomes pointless and a waste of time for everyone. Tybalt states,” I can tell by… scorn our celebration”(Shakespeare, 63). The only reason why some people hate is because of the influence of others. It’s like parents giving their kids opinions about topics they don’t know about yet. This all shows that love is stronger than