Compare And Contrast Slave Girl And The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

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January 1st 1863 President Abraham Lincoln Signed the Emancipation Proclamation. December 6th the Thirteenth amendment was passed. Brother fought brother and father fought son to end slavery. Can you believe slavery still lives among us today? Unjust and sinful practices are central themes that are similar in both slave girl in California and the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. However, there are very opposing themes such as freedom and Family as well. One central theme that is similar in Slave Girl and The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is sinful practices. An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. That is the definition of sin. Frederick Douglass was a slave before it was abolished in 1865 yet, Shymia was a slave most recently to a family in California. In both stories told the owners were dominant over the slave. As well as treat the slave as if their voice didn’t matter, taking away their natural born rights. All of these examples are …show more content…

The two different themes were; family and freedom. Family for example, Frederick Douglass never knew who his father was and he only saw his mother a few times until she died. He loved them anyway, even if he didn’t really know them.Frederick Douglass never met his father, so he never got to build a relationship with him. In Shymia’s case she knew her family, but they were the ones that set up the arrangement for her to work for this family. She wanted to come home many times, very badly. However they said no, they said she had to stay because they would continue to get paid. As for freedom, Frederick Douglass fought hard for his freedom, he spoke in front of audiences about it. He fought hard just to keep his life. Shymia didn’t really fight for her freedom because she wasn’t aware that what the family was doing was wrong, although she did get her freedom quicker than