Compare And Contrast Star Wars Vs Star Trek

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Is Anyone Ever Wondered in the Battle ‘Star Wars’ vs. ‘Star Trek’: Why ‘Star Trek’ Keeps Losing?

Well, well, here is another rather interesting topic for all the film lovers (as I am :-)). Being the one who has actually watched all of the episodes/films from both, I think I suitable enough to adduce my opinion. Regardless of my list of reasons, I am pretty sure this classic debate will certainly continue to rage on!
As we all know, Star Trek has recently achieved enormous success with both Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) achieving mainstream appeal and gained enormous box office success. That’s truly something, but practically nothing compared to what The Force Awakens (2015) did last year both at the box offices and when it came to popular culture. To summarize, when it comes to the money the Star Wars series has made $2.8 billion, with eight episodes/films, while the Star Track crew earned $1.2 billion through 12 films! That’s …show more content…

Me too :-) Is it all about the various powers that come with being a force-sensitive individual? Or perhaps, is it the ability to wield a lightsaber? Some of you may remember the part in “The Empire Strikes Back” when Yoga says to young Luke Skywalker “Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” And then continues with the following: “You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes.” To summarize, according to the eastern religion, the force is something that gives meaning and tries to organize this chaotic universe of ours. It presents “that” something which binds us all together and at the same time allows those less fortunate ones to find their own place/purpose and find their place in the universe. It surely presents a beautiful concept which doesn’t exist in Star Track! I’m so sorry guys, that’s another point for us