Compare And Contrast The Bass The River And Sheila Mant

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George R.R Martin who is an author and screenwriter once said, “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” As George R.R Martin said your identity can be your strength if you use it correctly. You Shouldn't be afraid of your identity or you will livelife afraid. Such as in short stories, authors portray how characters develop their identity. In the short stories “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, and “The Bass the River and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell the characters learn about their identities through significant moments. To begin, Amy Tan learns about herself through a significant moment at a special holiday dinner. For instance, Amy has a crush on Robert who is the minister's son. Robert’s family comes …show more content…

For example, when Jing-Mei was a kid she used to always be mad at her mom for trying to change who she is. Jing-Mei’s mother moved from China many years ago after losing her husband and kids. One day when Jing-Mei was mad at her mother, Jing Mei said that she wants to be like the kids who died in China. Many years after Jing-Mei’s mother died, Jing Mei finds two piano songs that her mother gave her. Jing-Mei then realized,”I realize they were two halves of the same song”(6) For instance, the names of the songs that Jing-Mei’s mother gave her are “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented”. Jing-Mei realizes that her mother gives her two halves of the same song because it tells the story of Jing-Mei’s life. As a kid Jing-Mei was sad and depressed, but as an adult Jing-Mei is happy and free. The purpose for Jing-Mei’s mother to give her the two halves of the piano song were to help Amy realize who she was, and who she is today. In conclusion, Jing Mei learns about her identity through two piano