Compare And Contrast The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Neil Xuan AS II Honors Neil Xuan 2 On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15, citing the devastating power of “a new and most cruel bomb.” Harry S. Truman, who served 33rd president of the …show more content…

(Special to The New,York Times. ) On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the second atomic bomb was dropped over Nagasaki. Over 220,000 people were killed instantly or within months by these two bombs. The power of atomic bombs shocked everyone during that time. And the bombing leads to Japan’s unconditional surrender. The main character who made this decision was Harry Truman, the 33th President of the United States. This event occurred during World War II after Germany agreed to unconditional surrender, ending the war in Europe. I chose the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as my topic because first, I’m interested in it and also I think it fits the “take a stand” topic. President Truman must strongly took a stand against Japan so that he made this debatable decision. This event is important because it’s the first time but also the only time Neil Xuan 6 that one country used nuclear weapon against another country. And it shows us how …show more content…

The lasting impact the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has had is that people all around the world are aware the power of nuclear weapon. And most of the countries have signed the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons to avoid the nuclear war. President Harry S. Truman took a stand against Japan and made the decision that he thought it was necessary to make of dropping the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima which did help end the World War II. It was the first time and so far the only time that nuclear weapons were used against another country. It showed the power of nuclear weapons to the whole world which resulted in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty that has been signed by most of the countries. And the most important impact is that the bombs defeated Japan and helped end the World War II. In sum, although there are lots of people who still think the decision President Harry Truman made was wrong, it was necessary. It would cost millions people’s death if Truman did not decide to drop the bomb. And the war could last much longer. Harry Truman took a great stand against Japan and acted bravely as the president who took the power from