Compare And Contrast The Girl Who Loved Her Horses And The Boy In The Treehouse

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Picture a world without friendship; no one to confide in, no one to share our joys and sorrows with, no one to turn to in times of need. It’s a bleak image, but it underscores just how vital friendships are to our lives. The plays Girl Who Loved Her Horses and The Boy in the Treehouse both share a common theme, friendship, each in their own unique way. Girl Who Loved Her Horses and The Boy in the Treehouse, written by Drew Hayden Taylor, are both two different plays, however, they both share similar themes. In "Girl Who Loved Her Horse", we meet Danielle, a young girl who is often defined as “weird” by her peers because she doesn’t act like other children. Despite being mistreated by her mother and her mother’s boyfriend, her peers eventually …show more content…

In Girl Who Loved Her Horses, Danielle, the main character, was often perceived as weird, since she is not like them. At one point, her peers were talking and they called her “the dumb girl,” since she does not talk much. When Danielle creates a beautiful drawing of a horse, her peers start to praise her and invite her. Despite treating her as the weird girl, they eventually get to know her and realize that she has her reasons for staying quiet. Putting their prejudices aside they were willing to support her and accept her for who she is. In The Boy in the Treehouse, the main character, Simon confines himself in a treehouse, away from the world. Simon doesn’t realize that he is harming himself with his confinement and people around him begin to worry. It is with the help/support of his imaginary friend, Patty, that he realizes his actions and goes down from the treehouse. Patty provides emotional support and encouragement to Simon, which is an example of mutual …show more content…

In Girl Who Loved Her Horses, Her peers are loyal to her when they begin to grow closer. For example, in the future, her friends still think of her when they see the horse mural on the wall. This is significant because Danielle moved away and they have seen her since. Despite them not seeing each other in a long time, her friends have not forgotten her or the bond that they had shared with her. By remembering her in this way, they show they are willing to keep her memory alive. In The Boy in the Treehouse, Simon had the support of many people. His father did everything he could to convince Simon that what he is doing is dangerous and needs to stop. Despite his fathers concerns for Simon, he did not force him to stop what he was doing or abandon him. Instead, he chose to stay by his side in hopes that he would eventually come down.

Kindness is also emphasized in both plays. In Girl Who Loved Her Horses, in the beginning of the play, her peers were originally not very kind to her, however, when getting to know her they found that she isn’t that bad. Them being more kind to her showed Danielle that the world isn’t that bad and she eventually opens up to them. A shift in attributed towards Danielle represents the power of kindness. By being kinder to Danielle, she felt more comfortable and