
Compare And Contrast The Giver Book And Movie

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The Giver Compare/Contrast
Although the movie and book of the Giver have the same message, the characters, events, and themes of both have many differences and similarities. When you imagine a picture in your head from a book, sometimes watching the movie can ruin it for you. The Giver movie was a good representation of the book except for a few changes they made. The most significant changes were the ruin, the changes in jobs and attitudes in the characters, and how the receivers would get their memories. There were also some important similarities, too, like Jonas’ rules for becoming a receiver and the climate.

Sometimes, movies made after books have many changes. The Giver movie, though, had some important similarities. One of them was …show more content…

Some were small changes, but others were immense and changed many things. The first change was Asher’s attitude. Right away in the movie you see him and can tell he’s very different from his description in the book. In the book, he was described as a funny, energetic, and fun-loving. I saw in the movie an annoying, bossy, rule-follower, which was completely the opposite of the book’s version. Also, a difference that was frustrating to me was the changing of Asher and Fiona’s jobs. Asher was supposed to be the recreation director and was put as a pilot, and Fiona was supposed to be a caretaker of the old and was a nurturer. Another change was that all receivers had marks on their wrists to indicate themselves. In the book, it said that all receivers had light eyes. On top of that, the memories from the giver where transmitted from the wrists instead of the back, like the book said. The most shocking change, though, was that Jonas and Fiona actually fell in love. In the book, they were twelve but in the movie, they are a lot older and like each other. First Jonas knows he likes Fiona, then he tells her to stop taking her injections, next the fall in love! The only thing that really happened in the book was that Jonas knew he liked Fiona. It didn’t really get farther than

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