Compare And Contrast The Hobbit

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The Hobbit Compare and Contrast

The Hobbit written by J.R.R Tolkien in 1932, it was later published in 1937. 75 yrs after the book was published it was made into a film by Peter Jackson. The Hobbit is the tale of a hobbit who lives a quiet life until he meets the wizard Gandalf, who takes him on a great journey with others. Between the book and the movie many things are done very well and can clearly be seen taken from the book. Nevertheless there are many amazing similarities, there are also many common differences that some people don’t agree with. Overall, I believe the movie was better than the book for many reasons. A quick review of The Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins the quiet hobbit led a quiet life until he met the wizard who is going to take him on the journey of a lifetime. Little does he know it would change his life forever. Their journey is a long and quite excruciating one that comes with many events that they wouldn 't see coming. Although the journey is long it’s good for finding out who you are. After completing the journey and returning home things almost go back to normal.After the journey little do any of them know they’ll be going on many more journeys in the future.The story was very long and drawn out, but was decent. I did like the movie better because the story was just a bit much. The movie in comparison to the book got many things right. There are the things I felt were crucial to being transferred from the book to the movie. One of the main things