
Compare And Contrast The Revolutionary War And The American Revolution

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The American Revolution ended two centuries of British rule for most of the North American colonies and created the Modern United States of America. The Revolutionary war was both nerve-wracking and troubling. Though it was also a time of progress for some. After the Revolutionary war, events such as The French Revolution, The Civil War, and the Vietnam war have all taken place. The following paragraphs will analyze the comparison of the Revolutionary war to modern day events. To begin, Both the American Revolution and French revolution were the products of Enlightenment ideals that emphasized the idea of natural rights and equality. The French and American Revolution were both the result of people that felt the need to be free from unfair …show more content…

Fought from 1861 to 1865, the American Civil War remains the deadliest conflict in U.S. history. This was a war fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America, primarily over the practice of slavery. There is a rather large overlap between the American Revolutionary War and the events that led up to the Civil War. For instance, slaves often fought on either side in the Revolution in hopes of gaining freedom. They once again took up arms during the Civil War for the same reason. Following the development of state constitutions which promised equality for all, slaves sought freedom via the legal system. Prior to the Revolutionary war; the same constitutions would make northerners question the mortality of their slaves. In other word, they were basically trying to see if the idea of freedom in the colonies applied to some or all. At the time during the Revolutionary war, the strongest army in the world went up against the inexperienced colonial armies that lacked equipment and military training. The differences between the North and South armies in the Civil War are less striking, but the north did have major advantages in terms of its industry, large Navy, and comparatively large government and population. During the Revolutionary war, the British military advantages of manpower were never fully deployed. One of the reasons being, it was expensive to convey …show more content…

The Vietnam War had begun on November 1, 1955 and ended almost 20 years later on April 30, 1975. This was fought between the communist North Vietnam and the anti-communist South Vietnam. Since at the time America had been against communism, they naturally became allies with South Vietnam. By becoming allies, they saw it as their mission to help put an end to the spread of communism. These two war were fought in very different settings and a very different time frame. Set aside from their differences these two wars still shared similarities. Both of these wars has been fighting over government and politics, they both got other countries involved, both used guerilla warfare, and both used similar weapons. The American Revolutionary War resulted in an American victory whereas the Vietnam War took a sad turn of events and resulted in a North Vietnamese victory. There are also a lot of differences between them. In the American Revolution soldiers had to used their families hunting weapon or go without one. But in Vietnam weapons were issued to them by the government as well as other weapons. Black powder weapons and cannons were used in the American Revolution. In Vietnam Biological warfare was used with high power forms of artillery. During the war Vietnam used many war strategies like using the jungle to their advantage, attacking at many points, and keeping heavy equipment in open

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