Similarities Between Song Dynasty And Neo-Confucianism

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Neo-Confucianism is the ethical and moral Chinese philosophy made to create a more rational form of Confucianism. Scholars of Neo-Confucianism removed any superstitious and mythical elements of Daoism and Buddhism. Although it was originated from the Tang Dynasty, it became more prominent in the Song Dynasty due to the rising of Buddhism power while Neo-Confucianism was getting rid of Buddhism elements.
In the midst of their competition against Buddhism, Confucian scholars challenged Buddhism morals by making their own ideas of the human and natural world. It was attempt to remove any superstition from Buddhism and Daoism that had influenced Confucianism during the Han Dynasty. Although Neo-Confucianism was influenced by Daoism and Buddhism, Confucianism did borrow some ideas and concepts from them. “[Neo-Confucianism] of the Song period emphasized self-cultivation as a path not only to self-fulfillment but to the formation of a virtuous and harmonious society and state (Ebrey and Schirokauer).” The Song Dynasty accepted Neo-Confucianism …show more content…

The civil service examination system, which were central to confucian teachings, was present in both the Tang and Song dynasty. Therefore, only the most high ranking officials were scholars who mastered Confucianism the best. The emperor was recognized as the Son of God. According to Confucian teachings, the ruler of the people should be honorable while the citizens should be respectful and obedient in return, but that was not the case. “In reality, however, the system was heavily biased toward the authorities (Littleton 114).” This being a cause that led to the Tang Dynasty follow Buddhism. “Confucianism never disappeared from sight and in fact continued to dominate elite family life and governmental service (Bethrong).” Although Neo-Confucianism was withering, it never truly was gone. Confucianism was a very important factor to the government