Comparing The Government Of Charlemagne And Tang China

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The ideals and methods of Tang China and Charlemagne’s government, both are powerful political figures of their time. Each government has their own similarities and differences that make them unique and suited to the areas they ruled.
Starting with Tang China, the ideal ruler was known as the "Son of Heaven" and was believed to rule by the Mandate of Heaven. The ideal ruler was expected to be wise and follow the Confucian principles, and ruling with the welfare of the people in mind. In Tang China, the ruler was expected to be benevolent and just, taking care of the welfare of the people(Lecture). Confucian principles emphasized the ruler's responsibility towards the people, and the idea of "benevolent governance" or "ruling by virtue" was upheld. The government officials were selected based on merit through the civil service examination system, which aimed to promote capable individuals to serve the state and the people. Tang Dynasty is known for people's regulations like births, deaths and …show more content…

The ideal ruler was expected to be a strong Christian leader who protected the Church, promoted Christianity, and defended Christendom from external threats and maintaining social order. In the Carolingian Empire, the ruler's authority was based on the divine right of kings, and the relationship between the ruler and the people was largely hierarchical, with the king at the top with counts and “Misi Dominic” serving the king (lecture). The king relied on a system of vassalage, where local lords or vassals pledged allegiance and loyalty to the king in exchange for protection and land(lecture). The king's authority was also supported by the Church, which played a significant role in maintaining social order in the region he controlled. Helping the church build missionaries is what expanded his rule into more