Compare And Contrast The Spanish Flu Vs Covid

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The Spanish Flu v/s Covid What is the Spanish Flu? What is Covid? Where were they different and how? Which is worse? The Spanish Flu is a H1N1 virus that is said to have started in a bird. It easily spreads in big crowds and you will most likely get bacterial pneumonia. There were four waves of the Spanish Flu and it killed one-third of the world’s population (500 million people) in 1918. Unlike Covid, people died of all ages old or young. What is it different from? The Spanish Flu was different in Australia because it did not hit there until the end of 1919. Unlike Australia, the United States got hit really hard by it and did not take its time to get there. It was also very different from Covid, but it was similar in some ways. Covid …show more content…

The Spanish Flu was caused by an H1N1 virus and is very deadly to people. The H1N1 virus is very contagious and spreads very easily. Covid is caused by the SARS(Severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus and respiratory diseases in humans and in animals. They both spread rapidly through respiratory droplets when someone sneezes, coughs, or even talks. …show more content…

The flu was so bad that the day you became sick you could have died. The reason so many people died is because there was a lack of doctors, you were never alone, there was no good cure, and the virus copies itself in the lungs to go to other places in the body. The only cure was to isolate yourself, practice hygiene, and wear protective masks and gloves. Covid’s symptoms were pretty similar and caused death easily. You had a better chance to survive Covid than getting the Spanish Flu. Covid can cause a cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste, loss of smell, nausea, fever, fatigue, or even diarrhea. There is a “cure” to Covid, but some people say it does not work because it did not work for them. If you did not want Covid, you would have to isolate yourself, practice good hygiene, and wear protective gear(masks and gloves). They are alike in many ways, but the one that most every sickness has is a cough, fever, and nausea. They can both cause health problems even after you get rid of it. In other words, they both affect the same part of your body and start to take over your immune system. Most and least

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