Compare And Contrast Us Constitution And New Jersey Constitution

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The US Constitution vs. The NJ Constitution The Constitution of the United States of America is what ensures the people have to freedom to do with their lives as they want. What many don’t know, is each state has its own Constitution that cater to the individual states. The New Jersey Constitution is made so ‘all persons are by nature free and independent’ and much more. It is important to realize both nation and state constitution are a vital part of our everyday lives. The New Jersey Constitution share both similarities and differences from the United States Constitution, as the order of the documents may be different, much of the focus is on free speech and privileges and removing all British propaganda.
Body Paragraph 1: The US Constitution …show more content…

This is not just apparent because of the war or disagreements over the ruling of the colonies but more so in the Constitutions. In the US Constitution the language is very direct, and even more obvious, a response against former British laws. The 3rd Amendment “prevents government from forcing homeowners to allow soldiers to use their homes,” (June 5, 2023). Before the war the British enforced a law stating soldiers had the right to take over and live on others private property. The 4th Amendment “bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property,” (June 5, 2023). This was something British soldiers also had the right to do, under the Monarchs rule. While it is very apparent int the US Constitution it also shows in Article 1 of the NJ Constitution, “All political power is inherent in the people- [the] Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people…” (2023). This is a clear statement of how the British King started a war against his own people and colonies. All this sums up, how determined Americans were to make sure the country never fell into the hand of the British