
Compare And Contrast Woodrow Wilson And World War 1

445 Words2 Pages

Alexa Dougal
History 112
Mr. Cederberg
U.S. History 112 Midterm Exam #2
Woodrow Wilson and World War I
Woodrow Wilson and World War I is about Woodrow Wilson and his efforts to help in the war. This is significant because Wilson believed that if Germany won this war then Germany would gain much more power. Eventually Wilson and the other allied forces got together and created the Treaty of Versailles officially ending the war. This relates to the period because before entering the war, America was going through a period of progressive reforming, so by entering and helping stop the war, America was able to keep on that path.
The People’s Party (The Populists)
The People’s Party was a group of farmers who were dissatisfied with the effects that industrialization had on them. Industrialization caused many farmers to go into debt and many even lost their land, forcing them into the industrial workforce (American Yawp). The significance of the Populists was they were trying to get improve conditions for farmers. …show more content…

They were significant because denied African Americans basic liberties that everyone should have. They lasted for decades and had huge impacts on African Americans. This relates to the period because during this time there was a Civil Rights Movement which fought to end exactly what these laws were enforcing.
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a theory that suggests that certain groups of people are better than others. “All species and all societies, including modern humans, the theory went, were governed by a relentless competitive struggle for survival.” This is significant because this theory was used to justify many terrible policies including such as racism. This relates to the period because this theory was around during a time when many people believed that science could help determine social inequalities.

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