
Comparing Beetween Holocaust Feminism And Racism

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Literature is all about your understanding of the text, when I was reading through this semestral works of art I should be familiar with, I feel deeply in love with two for me completely different authors. I experienced a lot of emotions during reading through all the works, but the most obvious emotions for me were feminism and racism. I would love to higlight those emotions in this short work in form of the comparative essay trying to characterize the differencess in the feelings of the main characters. To be completely honest, I think that there is a lot to compare beetween holocaust, feminism and racism and that emotions connected with are on the completely different levels sometimes. In this little essay, I would love to compare two completely diverse feelings and aproaches of two amercian authors. One …show more content…

The darker brother, which means a black slave is feeling a bit same like Sylvia does, but he does not take his situation so serious like Silvia Plath. He feels suppressed but on the other hand he feels like the better times are about to come shortly, I dare to say he does not abhore his masters at all, he takes things like they are, knowing everything changes or at least it will one day. This second poem is for me a declaration of self awarness and primarily about knowing the own price of life but at the same time accepting ones fate. Sometimes the time is not right to strike back. The brother does not fight back by his using of the language like Sylvia does, spitting his venoms all around, he is fighting back only by his imagination and the smile on his face and it is quite bad-ass way how to show someone that you do not care about what others think. He defines himself by his positive attitude in those

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