
Comparing Brave New World By Aldous Huxley And 1984 By George Orwell

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Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley and 1984 written by George Orwell are two of the most well-known dystopian novels in the 20th century. They present a world in which the readers question whether or not a dystopian society could take place in the future or is already happening in front of their eyes. Through these two novels the readers are able to capture what a dystopian society might look like through two different authors’ points of view. In dystopian societies, the government often exerts control over its citizens' intimate relationships in order to maintain social stability and exert power over the population. Control of intimate relationships is a requirement in order to maintain a dystopian society. Therefore the government …show more content…

Instead of a woman giving birth to her children, embryos are grown in a hatchery and are then raised in conditioning centers. During one of the most crucial times of development for a child, they are not allowed to be raised by their parents. Though the citizens in this society overlook the absurd absence of such essential people. During Brave New World, Lenina has a conversation with Bernard. He says, “ I often think one may have missed something in not having had a mother. And perhaps you've missed something in not being a mother, Lenina. Imagine yourself sitting there with a little baby of your own....'” (Huxley). Lenina responds, “'Bernard! How can you?' The passage of an old woman with ophthalmia and a disease of the skin distracted her from her indignation. 'Let's go away,' she begged. 'I don't like it.'” (Huxley). Lenina responds with disgust. She could not envision being a mother or growing up with one around. This reaction is caused by the conditioning that she underwent. In order to have total control, the government must take over their citizens' intimate relationships. According to Brave New World, having a family relationship will cause instability “and instability means the end of civilization,” (Huxley). Therefore they must suppress all family relationships in order to keep the society

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