Comparing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Tiger By Ang Lee And Samuel Watson

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Distinctively visual is any element within a text that provokes a clear image, value or perspective. Composers use distinctively visual images to portray meaning, this can be seen in Ang Lee’s movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Samuel Watson’s poem labelled. Although Ang Lee and Samuel Watson portray mainly different ideas, they both use distinctively visual images to show their meaning to the audience. These images are created through filmic and literary technique’s. Some of the themes these two composers portray are social status, personal freedom versus social obligation, repression, Taoism and Confucianism. A common theme or meaning conveyed using the distincitively visual in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Samuel Watsons poem labelled is of social status and disrespect for people deemed of a lower class. Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden TIger portrays this theme of social status through filmic techniques and character interaction. This can be seen in the contrast between noble families and families of lower class; showing the differences in the way they live, dress and behave. Lee’s use of different costume designs are used to portray this. The wealthier noble people like Jen and Jen’s mother (Governor Yu) wear... Where as the poorer …show more content…

This message is conveyed through stylistic fighting styles and filmic techniques that portray distinctively visual images. The first fight scene between Jen and Shu Lien gives us insight into the characters and what they stand for. Lee has portrayed the character Shu Lien as very traditional, calm and experienced. Who is grounded with her fighting style “get down here”. Shu Liens skills are shown through close ups and emphasis on her hands and feet. Jen is shown as more impulsive and erratical. This is conveyed through her character being confident in running, jumping and