Comparing Darl And Vardaman's Views On Words And Words

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does. Darl engages in intense sessions of questioning, in which he examines the foundations of being and consciousness. These questions take on a tragic significance when Darl loses his mind, and his concept of himself is completely undermined. The characters Darl and Vardaman are largely defined by language and play significant roles in the interpretations of events by readers. This novel can be simply defined as a work of truths and deceptions, actions and words respectively. The contrast of words and actions shows the strengths of each. Words are portrayed with both negative and positive interpretations, though viewed by many of the characters for the negative counterpart. Negatively, words are used tactics of self preservation and selfish gain in the case of Anse. Words are shown as a positive and profound avenue that is unrealized by the characters themselves. Positively, words are used by characters to understand the complexities of the actions of those around them, especially by Darl. In turn, the spectrum of inaction to action include characters on both ends. …show more content…

Darl's strength is in language, due to this affinity he narrates nineteen of the fifty-nine chapters. Jewel in contrast, is a person of action. On many occasions, he acts without much explanation and even at the protest of his family. He is first shown walking non-stop through a house, “Jewel...looking straight ahead...he crosses the floor in four strides with rigid gravity and steps in a single stride through the opposite window and into the path again” (4). determined and uninhibited by the words of Darl. Jewel narrates one chapter, for the remainder of the work his actions are revealed through the eyes of