
Comparing Dystopia In Her, Wall-E And The Hunger Games

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Utopias and dystopias are very popular themes in speculative fiction or science fiction stories. They are used in various types of media such as films, television programmes, gaming and many other medias including magazines. A utopia is a perfect world where there is no war, disease, poverty or inequality. Dystopia however, is the complete opposite. The world is far from perfect and the problems that plague our world are often more extreme in dystopias. Sir Thomas More created the word ‘utopia’ from Greek roots and the word utopia can either mean ‘no place’ or ‘good place’. The root dys, which means ‘bad’ or ‘difficult’ is added to utopia to make the word dystopia. The three films I will be looking at to help me see the difference between utopia and dystopia are Her, Wall-e and The Hunger Games. All three of these films have many differences but with the main similarity of utopia and dystopia. …show more content…

It is about a man who develops a relationship with an operating system that is designed to meet his every need. When I was watching the film I didn't exactly think of how it includes utopia or dystopia, I was more focused on the fact that the idea of having an operating system who was there for whatever you needed could happen at some point in the future. This then made me think of whether this would help create a utopian or dystopian world. In one way having an OS could be seen as helping create a perfect world as they would be used to help people, especially those who are lonely, like Theodore in the film. However, a dystopian world could be created as everyone would start to rely on the OS just like in the film so much that if they were to ever leave or break then people would start to go crazy and wouldn't be able to live without

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