Comparing Kant And Scripture

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In his essay, Kant suggests that individuals achieve maturity when they are able to think without relying on other people's opinions and judgment. He argues that if a society was given freedom it would eventually become enlightened. I think his idea is too simplistic if not utopian due to the fact that none of the human beings are actually free from the underlying cultural and social environment that highly contribute to the individual worldview formation. The Bible teaches quite the opposite approach to maturity and freedom if comparing it with Kant's idea – an individual who exercises her freedom to submit her will to God is becoming actualized, and someone whose values resemble the character of Jesus can be considered as a mature person. …show more content…

For a church to be the Church it has to exercise authority over the primary doctrines (historically described by the Nicene Creed, which is the most universally accepted and recognized summary of Christian doctrine). Otherwise, it can be called some other names, but not the Church of Jesus Christ. The question is in what manner to exercise this authority. I am leaning toward the centered-set model rather than a bounded-set approach – the primary doctrines and the Kingdom values shall be in the center and well articulated and demonstrated. However, this authority should be not reinforced on the entire congregation but rather exemplified and embodied – people should be encouraged but have the freedom to move to this center with they own speed. Moreover, the church can do fine without a clear stance on some secondary doctrines, especially where Bible does not speak with clarity (end times, creation, human evolution, etc.). The quote historically attributed to Augustine says it in the best way: "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things,

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